Sakamoto Days Episode 3 (Image via Netflix)

Sakamoto Days Episode 3: Shin Protects the Sakamoto Family and Returns the Favor

Sakamoto Days Episode 3 introduces an old friend of Taro Sakamoto, Nagumo. Nagumo disguised himself as Taro Sakamoto and fooled Shin and Lu a couple of times. His personality hit differently, as he was highly skilled, and Shin was impressed since he wasn’t able to read his thoughts.

Nagumo takes down a hitman disguised as a pizza delivery guy in Sakamoto’s convenience store and leaves the store with a warning that more hitmen will come after Sakamoto, as he holds a one-billion-yen bounty on his head.

The pizza box was bugged with a spy cam, and the organization was watching over Sakamoto, but he found the camera and warned the hitman organization that if they insisted on coming after him, he would show them hell.

The Sakamoto family, including Shin and Lu, visited the Sugar Theme Park, which was basically an amusement park, where they came across a few hitmen who were taken care of by Shin and Lu, as it was Taro Sakamoto’s day off.

Shin Protected The Sakamoto Family Visit, Putting His Life On The Line

Shin as shown in the Sakamoto Days episode 3 (Image via Netflix)

In episode 3 of Sakamoto Days, Shin revealed his technique of reading people’s thoughts—that he has to stay tuned just like a radio to listen to people’s thoughts and that he could only read thoughts within a 30-meter radius.

While visiting Sugar Park, Shin and Lu were guarding the Sakamoto family. That’s when Shin found out about the presence of a hitman, and he made Sakamoto aware of it. Sakamoto takes down the hitman disguised as a janitor without even looking because Shin gave a clear direction of where the hitman is coming from.

Another hitman, more skilled than the janitor one, was also marking the Sakamoto family, and he knew the fact that Shin could read thoughts and pick out the intentions of people. To counter Shin’s ability, this silver-haired hitman stayed calm and successfully bypassed Shin’s ability.

Lu picked out the hitman just by looking at him, realizing that this silver-haired guy was bad news during the roller coaster ride. The hitman attacked Sakamoto with a gun, but Shin jumped in and took him out of the ride and away from the family.

During their battle, Shin got fatally injured as the hitman poisoned Shin with a dart. Despite his wounds and not being able to see anything, Shin didn’t give up and battled head-on, taking the hitman to the stage where Sakamoto was. Shin dressed up as a Sugar mascot to avoid getting noticed, fought with the hitman, and took him out as Taro Sakamoto was instructing him. Shin was solely relying on Sakamoto’s instructions.

Sakamoto was impressed and appreciated Shin by complimenting him for his good work. Shin defeated the hitman without being noticed and even entertained the whole crowd, including Sakamoto’s daughter, who was the most excited to see the Sugar mascot, and he did all this while he was poisoned and unable to see a thing.

Read more: Sakamoto Days: Bacho and Son Hee Vs Taro Sakamoto

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